.. zumindest ein bisschen. Ich wurde von Marianne und Natalie, den Gründerinnen von Soul Collective Berlin, für ihren Newsletter soul sessions interviewt.
Wir sprachen darüber, wie mein Verhältnis zur Natur als Kind war und wie es sich verändert hat, als ich älter wurde, über meine aktuelle systemische Naturtherapie-Ausbildung und viele, viele weitere Dinge. Zudem empfehle ich auch Musik und Bücher.

What is your morning ritual?
Rather than having a set morning ritual I learned that it’s important for me to start the day with some time for myself. This can include breath work, movement, journaling, or just full focus on my cup of black tea and porridge. This slows down my system and calms my busy mind, and lets me start the day right.
What inspired you to start Kailo Nature Therapy and what is the meaning behind the name?
Something was calling me besides my work as a business consultant. I had a magical weekend in 2018 exploring Plant Spirit Medicine which lit a spark within me that didn’t leave and that kicked off this whole journey. “Kailo” has a Slavic, Germanic and Celtic origin, meaning: whole, uninjured, of good omen. My idea of Kailo revolves around the connection between ourselves and our inner and outer nature; a healthy relationship between all the creatures and elements in our world. Let’s reconnect!

What was your relationship to nature like as a child and how has it changed as you've gotten older?
I spent a lot of my time in nature as a child. It provided me with a room full of wonders, possibilities, and belonging. By getting older and moving to big cities, I lost touch with that. My work and my self-exploration as a nature therapist allows me to rediscover and reclaim this space. I'm moving in nature with more awareness - yet not killing the magic with too much "book knowledge".
What can someone expect from a nature therapy session?
My sessions take place in a group or individual setting. In these sessions we are going out to be in and with nature. We will breathe in that fresh air and press pause on our busy city lives. Guided by select exercises and nature itself, the participants will explore, learn about themselves, and be surprised by the thoughts that arise.

As a nature therapist, what is the most rewarding aspect of your work?
The most rewarding aspect is being able to create a sacred and safe space for people to experience and share and therefore to feel seen, heard and connected.
At the moment, you’re studying Systemic Nature Therapy with Habiba Kreszmeier and Cito Hufenus. How did you connect with them and what have you learned so far?
I have always been interested in the systemic approach. When I saw that they were teaching nature therapy with this aspect I knew that I wanted to dive deeper. This education is a beautiful addition to the path I’m on. Rather than just blindly learning about specific tools or methods we are experiencing everything ourselves, we are training our intuition and we are connecting to what nature has to offer.
How do you understand the connection between nature and spirituality?
True nature encounters are spiritual. They can't really be described - they can only be experienced.
What do you love about kitesurfing?
I love to be one with the elements, especially the sea and the wind. When I kitesurf I feel happiness and freedom. It puts me in a state of true calm.

What are your favorite spots around Berlin to immerse yourself in nature?
The beautiful thing about Berlin is that you don't even have to go out of the city to be in nature. Therefore it's accessible to almost everyone. I really like Grunewald because it has such a variety of different landscapes and you can find really quiet and hidden spots without people. Müggelsee, the biggest lake of Berlin, is great as well - go there at sunset, watch the birds dance and admire the colors.

“And the sea was the sea.
And the grass was grass.
And the sun... sun.
Only man wanted to be more than he was.
Wanted more than what was there.
Didn't listen.
Tried too much. And too little.
Forgot to feel when he thought.
Forgot to think when he felt.
Didn't pay attention to nature.
And not what was around him.
And in him!
Had the truth within him.
Just had to ask the silence to know more.
Or the sea that just wanted to be the sea.
Or the grass.
And the sun..."
- Harriet Grundmann
(translated from German)
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Book: Owens, Delia (2018): Where the Crawdads Sing. G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Book: Osho (2004): Intuition. Einsichten jenseits des Verstandes. Von der Logik zur Intuition. Ullstein
Book: Thoreau, David Henry (1999): Walden. Ein Leben mit der Natur. dtv.
Film: Vallée, Jean-Marc (2014): Der große Trip. Wild.